Postprocessing multi-model ensemble temperature forecasts using Distributional Regression Networks

Enric Casellas Masana, Josep Ramon Miró Cubells, and Jordi Moré Pratdesaba


This work presents a comparative analysis of postprocessing techniques for multi-model weather ensemble forecasts (Poor Man's Ensemble).

We explore the application of Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS) using the IMPROVER framework and also two Distributional Regression Network (DRN) approaches to postprocess hourly temperature forecasts.

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27 months of air temperature hourly data

10 member multi-model ensemble

186 automatic weather stations as ground truth

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Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS), implemented using IMPROVER developed by the Met Office, is used with ensemble members.

Distributional Regression Networks (DRN), based on Rasp and Lerch (2018), are implemented using TensorFlow. Either the mean and standard deviation of the ensemble or its individual members are utilized in the implementation.

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Any postprocessing method improves upon the raw PME forecast.
DRN-Members, which uses PME members as input features, achieves the lowest mean CRPS and the flattest rank histogram for 0-48 hours
IMPROVER performs better than DRN-Mean in CRPS but has poorer rank histograms. DRN-Mean shows a slight positive bias, while IMPROVER displays some underdispersion.

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