
Post-processing ensemble forecasts is usually approached using two main techniques: Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA; Raftery et al., 2005) and non-homogeneous regression (EMOS; Gneiting et al., 2005), both of which calibrate parametric forecast distributions. Therefore, a distribution has to be chosen in order to adjust and calibrate its parameters.

Since this project involves working with temperature forecasts, a Gaussian or normal distribution can be assumed, with location () and scale () parameters derived from the mean and standard deviation of the ensemble or from the individual ensemble members.


For this work, two different strategies were tested to post-process temperature ensemble forecasts. One is EMOS using the implementation in IMPROVER, and the other is Distributional Regression Neural Networks proposed by Rasp and Lerch (2018).

Ensemble Model Output Statistics

IMPROVER, developed by the Met Office, includes a module that implements EMOS with different distributions, allowing the use of either the mean and standard deviation of an ensemble or the individual realizations of the ensemble (Roberts et al., 2023). In this study, only the latter approach was tested, as we have a multi-model ensemble and, a priori, the members are not equally probable.

This methodology is often applied using recent data, which is also the case in this study. A rolling training period of 45 days is used, meaning that a forecast for today is obtained with a model trained on data from the past 45 days.

As mentioned in the Data section, there are not the same number of models for all lead times, as three of them end at 48 hours of lead time. However, since the strategy involves calculating a calibration correction for each lead time and station, this was not a problem. From 0 to 48 lead times, 10 models are used to calculate the EMOS coefficients, and from 49 to 72, only 7 models are used. This methodology is referred to in this project as EMOS-IMPROVER.

Since the values of the ensemble members are used instead of the mean and standard deviation, the normal distribution is defined as follows:

where the location parameter is the weighted mean of the ensemble forecasts (with weights ). Parameters , , and are determined using the training data and by minimising the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS).

To obtain a calibrated forecast, the parameters can be used to determine the location and scale parameter of the normal distribution. More information can be found at EMOS - IMPROVER.

Distributional Regression Neural Networks

The estimation of the calibrated distribution parameters and can also be performed using neural networks. Rasp and Lerch (2018) proposed using neural networks for distributional regression tasks. In their study, the ECMWF ensemble was postprocessed with a fully connected neural network, achieving a 30% CRPS reduction with DRN compared to the raw ECMWF ensemble.

The network used the ensemble mean and standard deviation as input features, together with station embeddings. The latter allowed the network to learn station-specific information (Rasp and Lerch (2018)). Additionally, some auxiliary input features were used, such as convective available potential energy, cloud cover, soil moisture, altitude of the station, and station location coordinates.

In this study, the idea of using neural networks for distributional regression tasks is also employed, following a similar approach to that of Rasp and Lerch (2018). Since the Poor Man's Ensemble (PME) is used, which involves different models, some changes were implemented:

The optimisation of embeddings dimensions, number of hidden layers, number of units per layer, and dropout rate was done using Optuna. The DRN techniques were implemented using Python libraries Tensorflow (Abadi et al. 2016) and Keras (Chollet et al. 2021). The loss function used is the same as in Rasp and Lerch (2018), CRPS.

The training of the DRN was done in the Kaggle environment. The Adam optimizer was used, together with an early stopping configuration to avoid overfitting and a reduction in the learning rate when the loss reached a plateau.

DRN approaches

As aforementioned, the use of the Poor Man's Ensemble (PME) involves different models and is not an ensemble built from perturbations of a single model. Therefore, a DRN approach may benefit from using ensemble members rather than just their mean and standard deviation. Additionally, as presented in the Data section, not all lead times have the same number of models, which poses a challenge for defining a single DRN for the entire postprocessing of PME. Therefore, two approaches were proposed:


Abadi, M., Barham, P., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Davis, A., Dean, J., ... & Zheng, X. (2016). TensorFlow: a system for Large-Scale machine learning. In 12th USENIX symposium on operating systems design and implementation (OSDI 16) (pp. 265-283).

Chollet, F. (2021). Deep learning with Python. Simon and Schuster.

Gneiting, T., Raftery, A. E., Westveld, A. H., & Goldman, T. (2005). Calibrated probabilistic forecasting using ensemble model output statistics and minimum CRPS estimation. Monthly Weather Review, 133(5), 1098-1118.

Raftery, A. E., Gneiting, T., Balabdaoui, F., & Polakowski, M. (2005). Using Bayesian model averaging to calibrate forecast ensembles. Monthly weather review, 133(5), 1155-1174.

Rasp, S., & Lerch, S. (2018). Neural networks for postprocessing ensemble weather forecasts. Monthly Weather Review, 146(11), 3885-3900.

Roberts, N., Ayliffe, B., Evans, G., Moseley, S., Rust, F., Sandford, C., ... & Worsfold, M. (2023). IMPROVER: the new probabilistic postprocessing system at the Met Office. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104(3), E680-E697.